Quick post to pose some questions and, I hope, trigger thought on this subject: Ever seen or heard the motto “Service before Self”? Sound good?
Actually, I have a problem with it. Not the service part, but I question “before self.”
Question 1: What separates us from others, such that we think they come before us? Why do we pull ourselves out of the crowd, singling ourselves out of the mass of humanity by putting others first, ourselves second (or fifth, or twentieth)? We’re all part of that group; if we are all separate from the mass, there is no mass! Let us all be equality vital and valuable.
Question 2: If we put others first to our eventual detriment—so we then require help—then we’ve created another need. That doesn’t seem like a good way to go, does it? To take it to a possibly ridiculous extreme, what if we all get to that point—who will do the caring for?
Question 3: What is the damage to our psyche, our self-image, our health, if we subconsciously believe, and then think, talk, and act, as if we are less important than others? I’m guessing that can cause serious harm.
I prefer aiming for what’s beneficial to all concerned. What do you think?